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Just Imagine...

Friday, July 05, 2013

OVERFLOW SERIES #1 - 3D Sand Animation by Niar Lazza

Lately I'm so busy with my 3 Dimension Sand Animation Projects, beside my live performances. As a Sand Artist, I won't just STUCK on an epic sand story or just an ordinary sand animation video. I need something more! I like to be wild and free my imagination. Exploration and Innovation is a must! Here I upload one of my work 'overflow series #1'. I'm working on it based on overflow conceptual, and will make some series about it. I prepare some sand explorations for my next step to hold The First Solo Sand Art Exhibition in Indonesia. So just keep stay tune for some surprise, Indonesia!! ;) 


  1. kak bikin pertunjukkan gitu di jakarta ;D

    1. InsyaAllah tgl 25 Aug ada invitation ke Jakarta :)
      kamu invite aku donk di acara kamu.. hehe :D

  2. Ada nomer yang bisa di hubungi kak ?? Saya lagi nyarik pelukis pasir untuk di acara HUT di ST.TunasMuda
