The time in my room shows 5 minutes to midnight.
I took a deep breath and pray:
"God, Bless me in this New Year 2011...
Let me be a better person who's never stop to learn...
Let everything in the years past become my great experienced... Let it become a history...
and Let this New Year comes and brings lot of happiness and successes to my life... My colorful life... AMIN"
One minute closer to the 12 a.m. and I looked outside, people celebrated it with a lot of fireworks. Then I came outside, watched the dark sky full with stunning light. Boom, Boom, Boom!!! Fireworks are everywhere... I took a shoot one, and upload it in my blog. I would like to share this happiness with all of you dear friends...
"Happy New Year 2011"
Wish you a very prosperous New Year